Ending a month of sport...
Well. I seem to have been all consumed by the excitement of the Olympics and Paralympics down here in London for the last month or so. I was in the Olympic Stadium last night which was incredible....in design as well being completely inspiring from a sports perspective and an awesome atmosphere to top it off!
Talking of inspiration, I continue the 3rd module of The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design tomorrow which is all about monetising designs....always a nice prospect!
I have a lot to look forward to this month in terms of trade shows down here too which I intend to make the most of. The first being Top Drawer which Rachael Taylor (co-founder of ABSPD) will herself be attending and showing at. Promptly followed by the 100% Design show and finishing off with Tent.
I'm hoping to find some solid inspiration and a focus for how I can turn the designs I have been working on into practical items. At the moment I seem to have too many ideas buzzing around!